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diumenge, 6 de novembre del 2011
dijous, 20 d’octubre del 2011
Obama campaign asks graphic designers to work for free on Jobs poster
Boing Boing
Good thing there are no unemployed graphic designers in America. Because if there were, it would be really uncool for our president to have asked them to labor, without pay, for a poster about creating jobs for out-of-work Americans. (Rolling Stone) 
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Apple posts picture from the Celebration of Steve Jobs’ life
9 to 5 Mac - Apple Intelligence
Apple has just posted the picture above from Apple’s event this afternoon. Apple’s CEO is on stage speaking about Steve Job’s impact on the world.
Here’s hoping they post the video (but understand if not).
Related articles
- Aerial footage of Steve Jobs Celebration (Video) (
- Andy Rubin talks Apple after Steve Jobs, Siri, and the competition (
- Softbank CEO says Steve Jobs worked on Apple until the end (

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dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2011
dimarts, 18 d’octubre del 2011
Anonymous and Occupy Wall Street
Boing Boing
The Real Role Of Anonymous In Occupy Wall Street: "Anonymous has caught the attention of the media--and even Homeland Security--with its biggest contribution to Occupy Wall Street: hype. But, so far, the amorphous, leaderless hacktivist movement has disappointed anyone expecting full-on revolution from a Guy Fawkes-masked army or a massive cyber attack." (Fast Company) 
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dilluns, 17 d’octubre del 2011
¿Por qué tematizar un producto turístico?
Blog TRW - El Blog del Tourism Revolution Ecosystem
Porque el mercado de la oferta sol y playa está saturado: El principal reto al que se enfrenta el sector turístico español es la diversificación. Ante una demanda segmentada en su motivación, en la que influyen cantidad de variables sociodemográficas, culturales y económicas. Nos encontramos con una oferta turística desestructurada, con falta de integración de [...]Sent with Reeder
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diumenge, 16 d’octubre del 2011
This Boning Dinosaur Skeleton Exhibit Is Proof that American Museums Are Too Prudish [Dinosaurs]
divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2011
Insane Mountain Biking Video Is Completely Insane [Video]
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